If you would prefer to download and print the Membership Application Form click on button below
Sorry but MEMBERSHIP for 2025 is now full . Annual fee $125 pa.
To join the Baringo Film Club and to make sure we include you on our fortnightly Emailing List :
Please complete and Submit the online application form to confirm your Name, Email-address and Telephone Number.
Payment options are either:
by direct debit to the Baringo Film Club account at the Bendigo Bank, Gisborne :
BSB 633 000 Account No: 162 277 040
or to pay in person at any Bendigo Bank Branch using the above account details .
Please don't for get to include your surname/s in the transaction details .
Your food and wine vouchers will be available at the theatre once our records have been updated.
If you are unable to complete this form online, you may download the 2nd form below, fill it out and
post to Bruce Nunan, 24 Stern Way, New Gisborne 3438.
Any other inquiries to Bruce on 5428 3810 or 0409 517 815